Magnepan's MaggieBASS™

March 24, 2025


More bass or better bass?

I began marketing Magneplanars in 1973. Thousands of Magnepan customers over the decades have added conventional subwoofers for more bass. But now, with DSP and wideband bass drivers in a dipole array, Maggie fans can also have better bass.

MaggieBASS™ is not another subwoofer, but instead, a proprietary bass integration concept that unifies itself seamlessly with a Magneplanar loudspeaker and integrates the whole system with the room in a unique manner that doesn’t just increase the dynamic range and bass power of the your Magneplanars, (greater Quantity) it also advances the articulation and smoothness of the bass in your room (improved Quality) over what a Magneplanar can do on its own or with a conventional subwoofer system.

MaggieBASS™, incorporating the proprietary MaggieMERGE™ integration network, is the brainchild of an industry expert that has been working with Magneplanars, developing and advancing open baffle dipole woofers and room interface systems since 1974.

I have heard a lot of pairings of Maggies with subwoofers in the 52 years that I have been promoting Magnepan......but nothing like the MaggieBASS™ dipole woofer integration concept.

The famous "Maggie Bass" just got better.

For MaggieBASS™ to be successful requires the ‘integration recipe’ implemented in its most advanced form by way of DSP.

And that is where another old friend of Magnepan, dating back to the '70's, comes in..........Al Clark of Danville Signal.

The MaggieBASS™ integration system is incorporated exclusively within Danville's DSP to form a system approach to more and better bass.

More information to come.