Do you want to know about a real Home Cinema in a Living Room?
I'm following my previous e-mail series. Today, we're getting at what is most important: The screen.
Yes, you read well! The screen is what makes it work (or not).
Think about it: When the projector is ON and the lights are turned down, what do you see? The screen, of course.
When it is Acoustically Transparent (it has to be), where does most of the sound come from? The screen, again.
It is not a surprise that the screen is of crucial importance.
In fact, it is the One component that allows the installation to provide the real Cinema experience. How to choose it?
It has to meet these criteria:
Acoustically Transparent (A.T.) - It is necessary to place the L,C,R speakers behind
Retractable (rolling, moterised) - Generally, a large fixed-frame screen is considered as obtrusive in a living room
Laterally tensioned - You need a perfectly stertched, flat surface
And the cherry on the cake is these other criteria: