Eragon (Speleers), a young boy who finds the last known dragon egg, is destined to become its rider. The two form a bond and embark on a journey to save Eragon's home, a beautiful princess, and triumph against an evil king (Malkovich) and his sorcerer. Based upon the novel by Christopher Paolini. Based upon the novel by Christopher Paolini. (Mary Ellen Oswald)
Special features include commentary with Director Stefen Fangmeier and high-definition trailers.
Black levels are not as deep as on the best releases, but the 2.35:1 Blu-ray Disc picture can look quite good. Shadow detail is captured well, and fine details, while not as sharp as on the best high-definition releases, do look fairly realistic. Contrast is well balanced, and colors are bold and vibrant, but the image just doesn't have the level of depth and detail that can make the best releases look so good. (Danny Richelieu)
Unfortunately, we did not have a Blu-ray Disc player available to me that could decode the DTS-HD™ Master Audio 5.1-channel encoding, but the core DTS® track often has an unnatural digital edge to the dialogue that can be distracting. The dialogue also can sound rather forward. The mix is exciting, with a good use of each available channel. Deep bass is delivered through each channel, with the LFE used at very high levels at times. (Danny Richelieu)