Jean-Claude Van Damme stars as Xander, the maniacal leader of the drug cartel who forces Henry (Scott), a forest ranger and former Navy SEAL to help in the search for a drug cargo. Henry is plunged into survival mode as he is soon trapped in the wilderness with no communication to the outside world, and finds himself face to face with Clay (Jones), a man with a personal vendetta against him who has returned for retribution. Now, the two mortal enemies must make a choice: put aside their past and work together, or die alone at the hands of the drug runners, a ruthless gang who will stop at nothing to retrieve their lost cargo. (Gary Reber)
Special features include commentary with Director Peter Hyams, a making-of featurette (HD 07:31), upfront previews, and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 2.40:1 1080p AVC picture opens with plenty of daylight and then settles into the night for the duration. The digitally captured picture appears naturally hued, with an earthy feel. Fleshtones are naturally rendered. Black levels are balanced, and shadow delineation is generally revealing due to lighting highlights. Resolution is nicely detailed with crisp verticals defined by the trees and grasses. Close-ups are nicely revealing of detail as well. Overall, this is a good-looking picture that is often glowing in style and engaging. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is comprised of a well-recorded orchestral music score with good deep bass presence and a wide and deep soundstage. Atmospherics and sound effects are stylized, with punches and fight scenes that are exciting and with natural-sounding gunfire. Dialogue is the weakest element in that it is wanting in spatial integration throughout, with a forward presence that is a disconnect with the island's setting. Overall, this is a decent sonic experience, except for the forward dialogue. (Gary Reber)