The LEGO Movie chronicles an ordinary LEGO construction worker, who is thought to be the prophesied "Special." He is recruited to join a quest to stop the evil tyrannical President Business from gluing the LEGO universe into eternal stasis. (Gary Reber)
Special features include commentary with filmmakers and cast; the following featurettes Batman's A True Artist (HD 01:12), Michelangelo And Lincoln: History Cops (HD 01:21), Enter The Ninjago (HD 02:13), Bringing LEGO To Life (HD 12:36), See It, Build It (HD 0:49), Stories From The Story Team (HD 04:02), and Dream Job: Meet The LEGO Builders (HD 13:28); the Everything Is Awesome sing-along (HD 03:19); Fan-Made Films: Top-Secret Submissions (HD 03:51); outtakes (HD 02:33); promotional content; an Alleyway Test (HD 0:55); deleted scenes (HD 03:20); upfront previews; and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 2.39:1 1080p 3D picture is incredibly creative and super visually engaging, with a strongly bright and bold color palette that pops off the screen. Contrast is perfect, with solid blacks and revealing shadow depths. Primaries are fully saturated, and the range of hues is incredible. Atmospherics are wonderful, with impressive attention to Lego detail throughout. Resolution is unbelievably nuanced, with the finest detail exhibited in the plastic characters and their surroundings, including the imperfections associated with Lego wear and tear. The imagery is perfectly pristine, without exhibiting any noticeable artifacts. Depth, perspective, and dimensionality are terrific with visually exciting LEGOs extending within and out of the screen, which heightens the sense of visual immersion. This 3D viewing experience is simply mesmerizing and flawless and a truly reference-quality experience that will thrill fans. The 3D experience tops any of the previously released animated features and serves well as a 3D demonstration disc. The visual experience is simply impeccable and awesome! (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is terrific, with a spectacularly energized holosonic® dimension that's enveloping and directional throughout. Surround engagement is aggressive and effectively directionalized, with precise pans. The sound is dynamic, with strong .1 LFE engagement that extends to sub-25 Hz frequencies. Dialogue is always intelligible and directionalized as well, with a good sense of spatial integration, even though it is completely ADR derived. Foley effects inject life into the characters with nuanced creativity. The orchestral music score is wonderfully energetic and lively, with a wide and deep soundstage that extends aggressively to the surrounds. Faultless throughout, this is a fully engaging, reference soundtrack that perfectly complements the incredible picture. (Gary Reber)