Sarah Moss (Marling) is an ambitious new recruit at an elite private intelligence firm. Her first undercover assignment is to infiltrate The East, an elusive activist collective that terrorizes corporate leaders who commit crimes against humanity. The more involved she gets, the more Sarah's life is in danger. (Gary Reber)
Special features include six featurettes: Two Brothers: Collaboration (HD 02:33), Cause And Effect: The Movement Of The East (HD 03:08), Examining The Moral Gray (HD 04:28), The East Exposed: The Story (HD 03:08), Off The Grid: Creating The Story (HD 03:10), and Casting The East (HD 03:16); four deleted scenes (HD 04:06); the theatrical trailer; upfront previews; and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 2.36:1 1080p AVC picture is superb, with an absolute natural appearance. Colors are never exaggerated but completely natural in hue, with a warm and rich texture. Fleshtones are perfectly hued throughout. Contrast is well balanced with deep blacks and revealing shadow delineation. Resolution is excellent as well, with fine detail evident in close-ups of facial features, hair, clothing, and object texture. This is a compelling visual experience that perfectly complements the riveting story. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is effectively nuanced with engaging quiet moments of contemplation. The sonics are dialogue focused, with an emotionally subtle orchestral score that is supportive, Atmospheric and sound effects are effectively energized during the more tense segments. Deep bass is, at times, energized in the .1 LFE channel as a rhythmic support for the music. Dialogue is decently integrated spatially. This is a riveting sonic experience that is engaging throughout. (Gary Reber)