Based on the book The Iceman: The True Story of a Cold Blooded Killer by Anthony Bruno and the documentary The Iceman Tapes: Conversations With A Killer by James Thebaut. The Iceman is a chilling story of Richard Kuklinski (Shannon), a devoted husband and father who in reality was a ruthless killer-for-hire. The story follows the notorious contract killer from his early days in the mob until his arrest for the murder of more than 100 men. Appearing to be living the American dream, in reality Kuklinski was a ruthless killer. When finally arrested in 1986, neither his wife (Ryder) nor daughters have any clue about his real profession. (Gary Reber)
Special features include a making-of featurette (HD 29:35) and The Iceman Behind The Scenes featurettes (HD 08:12) and upfront previews.
The 1.78:1 1080p AVC picture is naturally rendered for raw, emotionally charged violent visuals. The color palette is naturally hued and exhibits a warm appearance. Fleshtones are accurately rendered as well. Contrast is well balanced with deep blacks and revealing shadow delineation. Resolution is finely resolved, especially in the capture of close-ups such as facial features, hair, clothing, and object texture. This is a riveting portrayal of a psychopathic killer. (Gary Reber)
The Dolby® True HD 5.1-channel soundtrack often sounds holosonic®, with an enveloping and aggressive soundfield presence. Atmospherics and sound effects are effectively applied to heighten realism, with dynamic impact emphasized with intense music and deep .1 LFE bass. The orchestral music score is nicely recorded, with a wide and deep soundstage presence that extends to the surrounds. Dialogue is always intelligible, with decent spatial integration. This is often an intense sonic experience that is emotionally charged. (Gary Reber)