The Secret World Of Arrietty" is a visually stunning animated masterpiece based on the acclaimed children's book series "The Borrowers" by Mary Norton. This is an imaginative tale of "little people" living furtively among us and the unlikely friendship that forms when their hidden world is discovered. The heartwarming family adventure features beautiful, stylized animation and timeless themes of friendship, courage, and determination. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the original Japanese"storyboards, trailers, and TV spots; the "Arrietty's Song" music video by Cécile Corbel (HD 03:40); the "Summertime" music video by Bridgit Mendler (HD 03:01); and the making-of Summertime featurette (HD 02:03).
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture exhibits gloriously beautiful hand-drawn animation that appears as if a water color painting. The cell drawings are exquisite, with bold and nuanced shades of vibrant, yet perfectly natural and warm hues. Contrast is excellent with deep, solid blacks and revealing shadow delineation. The animated characters cast their shadows, which enhances the fantastic sense of detail. Resolution is superb throughout, with refined line art and broad strokes of the animators' brush. This is a fascinating and engaging animated feature that conveys artistic beauty that is sure to enthrall all. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is a wonderful and impressive reproduction of low-level atmospheric nuances. Yet, the sonics are underscored with a natural deep bass and at times .1 LFE energy that is never excessive or exaggerated. The atmospherics and sound effects really convey a sense of environment that enhances the suspension of disbelief. The thunderstorm and rainfall are fantastic. Directionalized dialogue sounds perfectly natural and nicely integrated spatially. Surround envelopment is immersive, with effectual directional emphasis throughout the soundfield. The Japanese-tinged orchestral music score perfectly complements the artful storytelling with a subtle surround presence. This is a reference-quality sonic experience that will not disappoint. (Gary Reber)