Set in Quebec, Good Neighbors follows neighbors Spencer (Speedman) and Louise (Hampshire) who have bonded over their fascination with a recent string of murders terrorizing their community. When a new tenant named Victor (Baruchel) moves into the building, all three quickly hit it off. However, they soon discover each has his or her own dark secret. As the violence outside mounts, the city retreats indoors for safety. But the more time these three neighbors spend together in their apartment building, the clearer it becomes that what they once thought of as a safe haven is as dangerous as any outside terrors they could imagine. Based on the novel "Chére Voisine" by Chrystine Brouillet. (Gary Reber)
Special features include deleted scenes (SD 02:50), "HDNet: A Look At Good Neighbors" (HD 04:35), the theatrical trailer, up-front previews, and BD-Live functionality.
The 1080p AVC picture is inconsistent, with an overall gritty appearance and heavy grain structure that casts a "plugged up" look, especially in darker scenes. The color palette is strongly saturated and unnaturally hued. Blacks and whites are blown out. Shadow delineation is not particularly revealing of detail. Fleshtones are inconsistent, appearing natural in some segments and unnatural in others. Resolution is generally good and at times revealing of fine detail. Overall, this is an undistinguished picture. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack features an active music score with an aggressive surround presence. However, the sound is "produced" and sounds a bit distorted. Dialogue is wanting of spatial integration. Deep bass is generally limited, except for the music score. Atmospherics and sound effects are frontal focused, with subtle surround envelopment. While serviceable to the storytelling, this is an undistinguished sonic experience. (Gary Reber)