In "Se7en," two cops (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) track a brilliant and elusive killer who orchestrates a string of horrific murders, each kill targeting a practitioner of one of the Seven Deadly Sins. The thriller is set in a dour, drizzly city sick with pain and blight. David Fincher guides the action –––physical, mental and spiritual –––with a sure understanding of what terrifies us, right up to a stunning denouement that will rip the scar tissue off the most hardened soul. (Gary Reber)
Special features include previously released commentaries –– The Stars: David Fincher, Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman; The Story: Richard Dyer, Andrew Kevin Walker, Richard Francis-Bruce, Michael De Luca and David Fincher; The Picture: Darius Khondji, Arthur Max, Richard Francis-Bruce, Richard Dyer, and David Fincher: The Sound: Ren Klyce, Howard Shore, Richard Dyer and David Fincher; six deleted scenes (HD 10"11); alternate endings (HD 12:57); still photographs; seven featurettes: "Production Design" (HD 08:56), "Mastering For The Home Theater" (HD 23:18), "Exploration Of The Opening Title Sequences: Early Storyboards", "Rough Version","Final Edit", Exploration Of The Opening Title Sequence: Stereo Audio Commentary One – The Concept –– Designer Kyle Cooper" (HD 08:34) and "Exploration Of The Opening Title Sequence: Stereo Audio Commentary Two –– The Sound –– Brant Biles & Robert Margouleff (HD 08L34); a theatrical EPK promotional materials (HD 06;40) and a Movies Anywhere digital copy.
The 2.39:1 (originally 2.20:1 70mm) 2160p HEVC/H.265 Ultra HD Dolby Vision/HDR10 picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed on Eastman film stock in Super 35 using the Aaton 35-III, Panavision Panaflex Gold and Panavision Panaflex Platinum camera systems and sourced from a 4K master Digital Intermediate format sourced from the original film negative. The restoration is wonderfully filmic with a very smooth grain structure that is virtually not visible. Clarity is superb throughout the imagery consisting primarily of dense shadows and low-light conditions. The filmic feel exhibits a warm and rich color palette, though intentionally muted with purely natural and realistic hues. Every frame is precise in composition and color fidelity. Flesh tones and complexions appear perfectly natural. HDR contrast is excellent with revealing low-light environments that define the bulk of the film. Blacks Black levels are deep and natural. Shadow delineation is exemplary. White levels illuminate the imagery with natural and realistic intensity. Resolution is excellent with fine detail revealed throughout the darkest environments. Facial features show lines, pores, facial hair, beard stubble,and beards. Structural features and objects are well defined, Clothing fabrics are discernible. This is a fantastic visual experience that is a perfect showcase for an impressively natural cinematic experience. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack ,the actual original format, which was expertly repurposed on a previous Blu-ray in the 7.1-channel format by Brent Biles and Robert Margolugh is completely engaging. Dialogue is the focus as the two cops interact and pursue the killer, constantly talking among themselves. Dialogue is intelligible throughout with excellent spatial integration. Atmospherics effectively enhance each scene with depth and realism. The non-stop ambiance and rainy atmospherics delivers an emotional rawness. Sound effects are dynamic sounding and powerful at times. A prominent effect is the pouring rain that occurs in several scenes, Foley sound effects are precise and quite active. Howard Shore's orchestral score sound dynamic and impactful with excellent soundstage imaging and aggressive surround extension with directionality. Bass extension is deep and powerful as executed through the .1 LFE channel and provides a strong prolific soundfield low end. Surround energy is always present and dimensionalizes the ominous sonics. This is an extremely well-crafted holosonic® listening experience that is compelling. (Gary Reber)