In "Mother's Instinct," best friends Alice (Jessica Chastain) and Celine (Anne Hathaway) live an idyllic traditional lifestyle, but life’s perfect harmony is shattered after a tragic accident. (Gary Reber)
Special features are upfront previews.
The 2.39:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed digitally using the Sony VENICE 6K camera system and sourced from a 4K Digital Intermediate. The story is set in the early 1960s. Picture quality is excellent with a nicely saturated but naturally hued color palette. Colors are rich and warm. Everything looks perfectly realistic. Flesh tones are perfectly natural. Contrast is superb with natural black levels, revealing shadows and realistic whites. The imagery is sharp and clear. Resolution reveals fine textural detail in facial features, makeup, complexions and hair. Costume fabrics are revealing and house exteriors and interiors are sharp and clear. This is a well-crafted edgy feeling picture that connects emotionally. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack is dialogue focused with generally good spatial integration for the most part though there is ADR. The orchestral score is prominent with a haunting, mysterious edge. The music spans a wide and deep soundstage and extends aggressively for an enveloping surround presence. Deep bass is a foundational element in the music and fills the soundfield with weight. Atmospherics and sound effects sound perfectly realistic. This is a soundtrack that builds with tension and effectively envelops the soundfield. (Gary Reber)