Before Dawn

WSR Score4
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Well Go USA
(Catalog Number):
(MPAA Rating):
(Rating Reason):
War Violence and language
(Retail Price):
(Disc Type):
Single Side, Dual Layer (BD-50)
(Widescreen Edition):
(Full Screen Edition):
(Running Time In Minutes):
(Color Type):
(Chaptered/Scene Access):
(Closed Captioned):
(Regional Coding):
(Theatrical Year):
(Theatrical Release):
(Direct-To-Video Release):
(Disc Release Date):
(THX® Digitally Mastered):
Jordon Prince-Wright
(Screenplay/Written By):
(Director Of Photography):
(Production Designer):
(Visual Effects):
(Costume Designer):
(Supervising Sound Editors):
(Re-Recording Mixers):
(Executive Producers):
(Academy Awards):
(Principal Photography):
(Theatrical Aspect Ratio):
(Measured Disc Aspect Ratio):
(Disc Soundtrack):
DTS HD Lossless 5.1
(Theatrical Sound):
(Theatrical Re-Issue Soundtrack):
(DTS Bit Rate):
(Dolby Digital Bit Rate):
(Additional Languages):

Based on real-life war diaries from soldiers in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, "Before Dawn" is an epic retelling of one of Australia’s most significant military victories during WWI. After leaving his family’s sheep farm in the Australian outback, a young man (Levi Miller) joins his countrymen on the western front of World War I with hopes of helping expedite an end to the bloody conflict. But as war rages on, he is forced to grapple with the brutal realities of trench warfare, including a near-constant battle to keep himself alive—without leaving another man behind. (Gary Reber)

Special features include a behind-the-scenes featurette (HD 10:10), trailer and upfront previews.

The 2.39:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed digitally and sourced from a 2K Digital Intermediate. The picture, during the war scenes, exhibits a slight tint to project a World War I period. The Australian ranch scenes are perfectly natural. The color palette exhibits primarily muted hues such as earthly browns and the soiled greenish uniforms and helmets of the soldiers. Flesh tones appear natural though subdued in hue. Contrast is generally good with natural black levels and revealing shadows exhibited in night scenes. White levels are subdued. Resolution is excellent with fine detail exhibited in uniforms and armaments, battle dust and \ in facial features and mud-covered bodies. This is a compelling visual experience of brutal war with intimate emotional stress depicted throughout. (Gary Reber)

The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack is superb with impressive spherical dimensional surround during the war scenes with flares and artillery sounding directional. The sound of gunfire, machine gun fire, artillery shelling and explosions is extremely realistic. Deep bass in the .1 LFE channel enhances the sonic impact of the artillery and explosions. The orchestral score is nicely supportive with a wide and deep soundstage that aggressively envelops the soundfield. Surround imaging is excellent with discrete localization of sound effects. Atmospherics sound realistic such as pouring rain. Dialogue is generally well integrated spatially though the Australian accent is thick and often difficult to decipher. The narration dialogue is perfectly centered and forward sounding. This is a well-crafted war soundtrack with aggressive holosonic® soundfield envelopment. (Gary Reber)