Based upon a short story by "Ring" author Koji Suzuki, "Dark Water" follows Yoshimi, a single mother struggling to win sole custody of her only child, Ikuko. Whey they move into a new home within a dilapidated and long-forgotten apartment complex, Yoshimi begins to experience startling visions and unexplainable sounds, calling her mental well-being into question, and endangering not only her custody of Ikuko, but perhaps their lives as well. (Gary Reber)
Special features include seven featurettes "Hideo Nakata: Ghosts Rings And Water" (HD 26:02), "Koji Suzuki: Family Terrirs" (HD 20:19), "Junichiro Hayashi: Visualizing Horror" (HD 19:15), "Making-Of Dark Water" (HD 15:51), "Hitomi Kuroki Interview" (HD 08:00), "Asami Mizukawa Interview" (HD 04:39) and "Shikao Suga Interview" (HD 02:55); trailer; teaser, TV spots and a illustrated collector's booklet.
The 1.85:1 2160p HEVC/H.265 4K Ultra HD Dolby Vision/HDR10 picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed on 35mm Fuji film stock using the Arriflex 35 BL camera system and sourced from a 4K Digital Intermediate produced from the original 35mm camera negative. The 4K color grading was supervised and approved by Director of Photography Junichiro Hayashi. This is a far better looking presentation of the film when compared to the old Blu-ray version Film grain is smooth and never objectionable. The color palette, while uneven in temperature, generally exhibits natural hues with accurate flesh tones. While some interior scenes appear murky, the outdoor segments offer noticeable warmth compared to the wintry and rainy appearance often depicted. HDR contrast is excellent. Black levels are deep. Shadows are revealing. White levels are realistic. The imagery is clear and sharp. Resolution is revealing of skin pores, lines, and hair, all nicely resolved. Clothing fabric are revealing and object textures and the extensive use of water and rain are perfectly realistic. This is a satisfying visual experience that fans of the genre will enjoy. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack is dialogue focused. Atmospherics sound realistic. Sound effects deliver moments of intensity, supported with bass enhancement. Sound of dripping water, pouring rain, and overflowing water, are prominent sound elements which enhances the sense of foreboding events, The infrequent synthesizer score is haunting and effectively envelops the entire soundfield and surrounds. Japanese dialogue is generally well integrated spatially.and supported with English subtitles. This is a compelling holosonic® soundtrack. (Gary Reber)