"The Iron Claw" is the true story of the inseparable Von Erich brothers, who made history in the intensely competitive world of professional wrestling in the early 1980s. Through tragedy and triumph, under the shadow of their domineering father and coach, the brothers seek larger-than-life immortality on the biggest stage in sports. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the featurettes "Brotherhood Is Forever: Making Iron Claw" (HD 29:24) and "Cast And Crew Q&A" (HD 20:57), theatrical trailer, upfront previews and a digital copy.
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photograph on Kodak film stock in anamorphic Panavision® using the Arriflex 235 and Panavision Panaflex Millennium XL2 camera systems and sourced from a 2K Digital Intermediate. Film grain is virtually non-existent. The story opens with a brief black and white vignette in the wrestling ring, which exhibits good gray scale. Transitioning to color, the picture quality is excellent with natural hues exhibited throughout, which at times exhibit vivid tones. Colors are nicely saturated. Flesh tones are naturally hued. Contrast is superb with nicely illuminated scenes, natural black levels, and revealing shadows. Resolution reveals good detail in facial features, especially during closeups, clothing, and objects. This is a satisfying realistic picture of a storyline in and out of the wrestling ring. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack is dynamic sounding in therms of atmospherics and sound effects. Atmosphere out of the ring nicely define the Texas locations. Inside the ring during various wrestling matches, the action is intense with body slams against the mat and a roaring audience heard aggressively in the surrounds.The music also occupies an aggressive presence, extending from the front soundstage to the surrounds. Dialogue is generally well integrated among the other sound elements. This is a very realistic sounding holosonic® soundtrack that is well crafted. (Gary Reber)