In "The Ghost Station," after a young reporter covers a suspicious acciden, she learns from police that her source was supposedly already dead at the time of their interview. As more mysterious deaths occur, she and her partner dig deeper into the case and come face to face with a horrifying truth. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the trailer and upfront previews.
The 2.39:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed digitally and sourced from a 2K Digital Intermediate. The picture is largely darkly set in shadowy settings such as a dark or dimly lit subway station tunnel. As a result contrast is often very poor with shadows poorly delineated. Often too, the imagery is spot lighted within the shadowy setting. The well lit and daylight segments exhibit good contrast. Black levels are generally deep such as a trans dresser dress and women's hair. Color fidelity in well lit settings appears natural and realistic. Flesh tones in such settings appear natural. Resolution is best exhibited in well-lit settings with fine detail apparent. This is a haunted photographed picture that delivers the scars. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack in Korean is creepy, especially as the mystery increasingly unfolds. The music, atmospherics and sound effects enhance the sense of mystery and horrific occurrences. Numerous sound effects, such as wind and sudden bursts of clashes of nuanced disturbances and screams are heard as the horrific mystery unfolds. Deep bass effectively supports the effects with at time sub-25 Hz frequencies. Atmospherics, sound effects and music further deliver an aggressive surround presence, which provides satisfying soundfield envelopment. Dialogue sounds articulate in Korean, supplemented with English subtitles. This is a haunting holosonic® soundtrack that will engage fans of the genre. (Gary Reber)