"Warhorse One" follows a desperate civilian rescue attempt set in motion shortly after the 2021 withdrawal of the United States military from Afghanistan. After a SEAL team helicopter is downed en route to the rendezvous point, the lone surviving operator (Johnny Strong) must evade hostile insurgents and navigate treacherous terrain while guiding his one remaining charge –– a traumatized young girl (Athena Durner) –– to safety. (Gary Reber)
Special features include commentary by Directors Johnny Strong and William Kaufman, trailer and upfront previews.
The 2.39:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed digitally and sourced from a 2K Digital Intermediate. The picture exhibits naturalness throughout, especially in the wooded mountainous scenes, which dominant the locations. The color palette encompasses earthy hues, such as rocks, soil, trees and ground cover against clouded blue skies. Everything appears realistically natural. Flesh tones are perfectly natural. Contrast is excellent with natural black levels, revealing shadows and realistic white levels. Resolution is excellent with fine detail seen in facial features such as skin pores, lines, hair and beards. Native garments and military uniforms are realistic. Objects such rifles, and other military gear appear authentic. This is a well crafted picture that realistically portrays the angst of war. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack delivers a strong deep bass presence throughout with a moody orchestral music score that is wide and deep with a strong enveloping surround presence. Atmospherics sound realistic and provide excellent ambient envelopment. Sound effects such gunfire and the sound of a helicopter are realistic. Foley sound effects are in perfect sync with picture, which enhances realism. Dialogue is ADR produced and chess miked and sounds remarkably well integrated spatially. This is a well crafted holosonic® soundtrack that is compelling. (Gary Reber)