"Night Of The Assassin" follows a deadly assassin who comes out of retirement to exact revenge on a group waging a brutal campaign of terror against local villagers. After a deadly, long-dormant health condition surfaces during a mission, Joseon’s most lethal assassin goes into hiding to seek a cure without revealing his identity. But upon witnessing a ruthless campaign of terror against local villagers, the region’s deadliest killer comes out of retirement in order to exact his own brutal brand of vigilante justice. Gary Reber)
Special features include the trailer and upfront previews.
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed digitally and sourced from a 2K Digital Intermediate. Picture quality is decent though variable. The color palette appeaars generally natural with at times saturated hues. Generally, flesh tones appear natural. Contrast is balanced with natural black levels and revealing shadows as well natural white levels. Some scenes exhibit a yellows tint to the proceedings. Resolution is generally good, especially with regard to the textures on fabrics, facial detail and objects. The variations in the visuals make this a mediocre picture even though there are segments in which colors are vivid. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack is rather dialogue focused with brief segments of bladed, whether swords or knives, fight scenes with the strident sounds of steel blades in combat. There are lots of atmospherics and ambient environmental sounds throughout the outdoor locations Foley sound effects are quite forward sounding. Dialogue (in Korean with English subtitles) is quite forward sounding and a bit harsh in many instances. The orchestral score is the best sounding element with soundstage width and depth, as well as surround extension. Surround energy is generally subtle but during action scenes more energized. Extended bass energy accompanies scenes scenes. This is an exaggerated sounding soundtrack for the most part. (Gary Reber)