In the science fiction thriller "65," after a catastrophic crash on an unknown planet, pilot Mills (Adam Driver) quickly discovers he’s actually stranded on Earth…65 million years ago. Now, with only one chance at rescue, Mills and the only other survivor, Koa (Ariana Greenblatt), must make their way across an unknown terrain riddled with dangerous prehistoric creatures in an epic fight to survive. (Gary Reber)
Special features include four featurettes "Set In Stone: Filmmakers" *HD 04:21)), "Future Of Yesterday: Creating The World Of 65" (HD 04:56), "Primordial Planet" (HD 02:30) and "Final Showdown: Concepts To Screen" (HD 10:14); five deleted and extended scenes (HD 08:03)); upfront previews and a Movies Anywhere digital copy.
The 2.39:1 2160p HEVC/H.265 Ultra HD Dolby Vision/HDR10 picture, reviewed on a VIZIO Quantum X P85QX-JI UHD/HDR display, was photographed digitally in anamorphic Hawk Scope using the Sony VENICE camera system and sourced from a 4K master Digital Intermediate format. The picture exhibits exceptional quality in every aspect. Salvatore Totino's cinematography and Kevin Ishioka's production design are outstanding. Color fidelity is excellent with nicely saturated and nuanced hue shadings and realistic imagery. Colors range from earth-like mountainous and forest hues to shadowy grays, with bright daylight revealing forestry greens and browns. The astroid impact exhibits bright orange fiery hues. The alien dinosaurs are varied in grayish hues. Flesh tones are realistic in all environmental settings. HDR contrast is superb with deep black levels, revealing shadows and bright white level intensities. Resolution is excellent throughout with fine detail exhibited in the environments and in facial features such as skin pores and hair, and and clothing. This a wonderfully realistic science fiction odyssey with reference quality imagery that will thrill home theatre buffs. (Gary Reber)
The Dolby Atmos/Dolby TrueHD 7.1-channel soundtrack is extremely dynamic with powerfully deep sub-25 Hz bass that sound realistic. Atmospherics and sound effects are extremely varied and dynamic with powerful planet disruptions. Tony Lamberti and Benjamin Cook have have created a very compelling sound design. Both atmospherics and sound effects extend aggressively to the surround soundfield. Dinosaur effects are powerful, especially the T-Rex sonics. Chris Bacon's orchestral score is dynamic and sweeps wide and deep across the soundstage extending to the surrounds. Dialogue is impressively well integrated spatially, even the ADR.
The Immersive Sound element is comprised of an aggressive extension of the orchestral score to the height layer as well as various atmospherics and dialogue on the space ship including announcements. There is also at times powerful sound effects and atmospherics such as the untamed environment on the planet, various dinosaur and insect sonics and astroid field explosions. This is a well-crafted height layer that effectively enhances the spatial dimensionality of the soundfield.
This is a fantastic holosonic® spherical surround soundtrack that is a showcase for an impressive home theatre system with s virtually constant immersive presence. Reference quality throughout. (Gary Reber)