"The Secret Garden" is a new take on the beloved classic novel of the same name written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Set in England during a new time period in 1947, the movie follows a young orphan girl who, after being sent to live with her uncle, discovers a magical garden on the grounds of his estate. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the featurettes "Characters" (HD 03:17), "Concept To Reality" (HD 03:50) and "Page To Screen" (HD 02:45, the official trailer, upfront previews and a Movies Anywhere digital code.
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a Sony Bravia Z9D 4K Ultra HD HDR display, upconverted to 2160p with greater resolution and luminance, was photographed digitally and sourced from a 2K master Digital Intermediate format. The picture is gorgeous with a wonderfully saturated color palette. The interiors of the manor are intricate in nuanced and textural hues, with a wide range of rich and warm variations, especially with respect to the dark green walls. The exteriors in the moors and the garden are rich in browns and greens. The garden is vividly hued, especially the yellows. The manor's blaze is natural orange and dramatic. The shaggy dog is a golden brown. Fleshtones are perfectly natural and realistic. Contrast is wide in dynamic range with lighting effects that pierce through the darkish interiors of the manor. Black levels are natural as well as shadow delineation. Resolution is superb with fine detail revealed in object textures of all manner, clothing and fabrics, and facial features, especially during closeups. The imagery throughout is realistically dimensional. This is a compelling visual experience that will please the family. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is dynamic sounding with an impressive holosonic® surround presence with directionalized atmospherics and sound effects.The bark of the dog and the singing of the robin are realistic sounding. The orchestral score is wonderful and expansive with a wide and deep soundstage that extends to the surrounds for effective envelopment. Atmospherics and sound effects are realistic and very dimensional. Dialogue is often effectively integrated spatially. This is a magnificent soundtrack that is very, very satisfying (Gary Reber)