Based on the novel by Garth Stein, "The Art Of Racing In The Rain" is a tale narrated by a witty and philosophical dog named Enzo (Costner). Through his unique insight into the human condition, Enzo helps his owners—race car driver Denny Swift (Ventimiglia), his wife Eve (Seyfried) and daughter Zoe –– navigate life with a refreshing perspective on friendship, family and unconditional love. (Gary Reber)
Special features include commentary by Director Simon Curtis; six featurettes "A Journey To Screen" (HD 05:48), "Directing The Art" (HD 05:09), "Enzo Cam" (HD 04;39), "Behind The Wheel" (HD 06:12), "The Dog Stays In The Picture" (HD 06:19) and "Enzo's First Ride" (HD 05:24); upfront previews and a Movies Anywhere digital code.
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a Sony Bravia Z9D 4K Ultra HD HDR display, upconverted to 2160p with greater resolution and luminance, was photographed digitally using the Arri Alexa Mini and Arri Alexa SXT camera systems and sourced from a 4K master Digital Intermediate format. The imagery exhibits naturalness throughout. Color fidelity is excellent with perfectly natural hues. Enzo's is true to the Golden Retriever pedigree, the green plains of Angola are stunning, the forest scenes are earthy, and the track and driving scenes exhibit compelling realism. Fleshtones are accurate throughout. Contrast is well balanced with deep, natural black levels, revealing shadow delineation, and natural lighting. Resolution is excellent throughout, though, some segments appear a bit soft. Enzo's fur is nicely detailed and amazingly natural, and facial features and object textures are pleasingly revealing. This is an appealing visual experience that exhibits naturalness throughout. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 7.1-channel soundtrack delivers nicely presented dynamics with effective panning effects, especially during race car driving and racetrack segments. Atmospherics are excellent both during the racetrack segments and in interior settings. The orchestral score is fluid with a wide soundstage that extends to the surrounds. Sound effects, such as thunder and pounding rain and race car engine and pit stop sounds, as well as a Ferrari's track skids, sound realistic. Surround energy is enveloping and creates a full sense of soundfield energy. Dialogue is natural throughout, but Enzo's voiceover is very unnaturally forward sounding. Overall, this is a satisfying soundtrack that both dog and racing lovers will enjoy. (Gary Reber)