In "Buster's Mal Heart," a troubled man, Jonah (Malek), on the run, recalls the mysterious events that brought him to his present fugitive state. (Gary Reber)
Special features include seven deleted scenes (HD 13:20), a trailer, and upfront previews.
The 2.39:1 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a Sony Bravia Z9D 4K Ultra HD HDR display, upconverted to 2160p with greater resolution and luminance, was photographed digitally using the Red Dragon camera system and sourced from a 2K master Digital Intermediate format. At times, the picture quality is generally mediocre with an overall drab appearance, especially in the interiors of the home environment where Jonah works. In such scenes, the color palette appears institutional with little vibrant hues filtered in a brownish-yellowish tint during interior scenes in the hotel. Fleshtones vary from natural to yellowish. The exterior scenes fair better, especially those in the hillsides covered in snow. Hues are more vibrant in the interior settings of the second homes Jonah occupies with strong vivid hues. Contrast is generally acceptable, with deep blacks in the outdoor scenes and decent shadow delineation, and with good highlights such as the bright sun. Resolution is good, especially during close-ups of interior objects and walls, and in facial features such as skin pores and Jonah's straggly hair and beard. But generally, the hotel scenes are a bit murky. The outdoor scenes are the sharpest. Overall, this is a somewhat stylish picture, which comes across as a bit deficient. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is dialogue focused for the most part, especially during the days prior to Jonah's escape to the wooded areas. Dialogue is delivered with good spatial integration. The movie transitions back and forth from the past to the present, and during the outdoor scenes the track is far more dynamic with deep bass support in the .1 LFE. The orchestral/choral score provides decent surround extension, and some scenes deliver directional sound effects, such as gunfire. Overall, the soundtrack is interestingly engaging that sets an unsettling mood. (Gary Reber)