Based on the best-selling illustrated novel by Jeff Kinney, "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid" chronicles the adventures of wisecracking pre-teen Greg Heffley, who must somehow survive the scariest time of anyone's life...middle school. Convinced it's the "dumbest idea ever invented," Heffley considers junior high school a place rigged with hundreds of social landmines, not the least of which are wedgies, swirlies, bullies, lunchtime banishment of the cafeteria floor, and a festering piece of cheese with nuclear cooties that he must overcome to become popular. His diary—or "journal"—chronicles his thoughts, tales of family trials and tribulations, and (would be) schoolyard triumphs. (Gary Reber)
Special features on the Blu-ray Disc™ include commentary with Director Thor Freudenthal and Writer Gabe Sachs, nine deleted diary pages (HD 10:05), plus still images of Rowley's Lost Zoo-Wee Mama Cartoons, the theatrical trailer, and up-front previews. Disc Two is a DVD of the film and Disc Three is a digital copy of the film. The combo format packaging features a six-page exerpt from the "journal" that is fun reading.
The 1080p AVC picture is terrific and exhibits a nicely saturated color palette that heightens the liveness of the storytelling. Hues are vivid and richly rendered with colors that pop. This live-action rendering dramatically contrasts with the stark black-and-white line drawings in the "journal." While surroundings, clothing, and textures are intensely colorful, fleshtones remain impressively naturally hued. Blacks are deep and solid, with excellent contrast that enhances the revealing shadow delineation. Resolution varies in sharpness and clarity, with generally excellent detail renderings, but still some visuals appear a bit soft. The imagery is pristine throughout, with a hint of film grain, for a cinematic visual look. This is a vividly colorful picture that is certain to please. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is wimpy, with a generally frontal emphasis and in-your-face dialogue that totally lacks spatial integration. There is limited surround energy contributed by subtle ambiance, though, a rainstorm provides wanting surround envelopment. The music score is the element, which provides aggressive surround envelopment, but not always. The .1 LFE channel provides occasional strong bass, but such is limited as well. While numerous opportunities were missed for engaging soundscapes, the overall sound is serviceable to deliver the almost constant dialogue and story narration. (Gary Reber)