"Bad Day For The Cut" is a witty and violent thriller. The story follows a mild-mannered farmer who sets off on a bloody quest for vengeance after his elderly mother is murdered. As he tracks her killers through the criminal underworld of Belfast, he begins to realize that there was a darker side to his beloved mother –– and to himself. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the theatrical trailer.
The 1080p AVC picture, reviewed on a Sony Bravia Z9D 4K Ultra HD HDR display, upconverted to 2160p with greater resolution and luminance, was photographed digitally and sourced from a 2K master Digital Intermediate format. The production is low budget yet exhibits a generally natural color palette. Contrast is decent as well. Resolution is quite good also, especially during close-ups. Still, compared to productions today, the visual quality is not particularly distinguished. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack is frontal focused but dialogue is often difficult to understand due to he heavy Irish accents. Still, dialogue is well integrated spatially. Surround envelopment is subtle, Atmospherics are effective, especially by the sea shore. Sound effects such a shotgun fire carry effective weight, as well as pistol fire. The music score is decently recorded and extends to the surrounds to provide a sense of envelopment. Bass support is subtle but provides a sense of fullness. The sonics do a decent job of supporting the story, but except for the music, overall the soundtrack is mediocre. (Gary Reber)