In "Jumanji," young Alan Parrish (Hann-Byrd) discovers a mysterious board game. But he doesn't realize its unimaginable powers, until he is magically transported before the startled eyes of his friend, Sarah (Bundy), into the untamed jungles of Jumanji! There he remains for 26 years until he is freed from the game's spell by two unsuspecting children. Now a grown man, Alan (Williams) reunites with Sarah (Hunt) and together with Judy (Dunst) and Peter (Pierce) tries to outwit the game's powerful forces. Based on the book by Chris Van Allsburg. (Gary Reber)
Special features on the Blu-ray Disc include a sneak peek of "Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle: (HD 03:13), never-before-seen deleted scenes (SD 01:42), a gag reel (HD 05:19), animated storybook excerpts from the book narrated by author Chris Van Allsburg (HD 08:59), two episodes of the 1996 "Jumanji: The Animated Series" TV show (SD 45:20), special effects crew commentary (HD ), "Making Jumanji: The Realm Of Imagination" documentary (HD 20:03), a production design documentary (HD ), an SFX featurette "Lions, Monkeys And Pods...Oh My!" (HD 14:33), the "Bringing Down The House" featurette (SD (03:09), storyboard comparisons (HD 03:43), production stills, conceptual art, "The Extreme Book Of Nature featurette (SD 05:48), "theAncient Diversions" featurette (SD 14:21), three original theatrical trailers, and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 1.85:1 2160p HEVC/H.265 Ultra HD HDR10 picture, reviewed on a Sony Bravia Z9D 4K Ultra HD HDR display, was photographed on 35 mm film stock with Panavision Panaflex cameras in a 1.85:1 aspect ratio and sourced from a new 4K master Digital Intermediate format. Originally processed in Technicolor®, color fidelity is excellent with deep, rich and warm hues, Town scenes, such as the Parrish home, the Parish Shoe Factory, the earthy scenes, as well as the various wild animals are naturally hued. Fleshtones are exacting as well. HDR highlights are never exaggerated yet contrast nicely with the full range of tones. Blacks are deep and shadow delineation is revealing. A WOW! segment starts at 0:38, the beginning of the film, which displays excellent contrast, and ends at 01:53. Resolution is superb as well, especially in close-ups of facial features, skin pores, wrinkles, hair, beards, clothing and object textures of all manner. The animals and insects are engagingly detailed. And special effects are outstanding and really make this great fun. The picture, for its age, looks terrific, though, there are a few frame and film grain artifacts that pose minor distractions as they are virtually undetectable for the most part. This is a terrific presentation, which will thrill the family, and now serves as the definitive version of the film. (Gary Reber)
The Dolby Atmos/Dolby TrueHD 7.1-channel soundtrack is fabulous and a reference for effective application of Immersive Sound elements. Sound designers Randy Tho and Gary Rydstrom have done a terrific job, and as well the uncredited sound designers for the Dolby Atmos Immersive Sound re-mix. Starting with the opening title and scene in the darkened night, atmospherics are alive and energized, deep drum sounds, thunder and lighting, and a robust orchestral score aggressively energized the soundfield with aggressive directional surrounds to the four ear-level surround channels with the aggressive extension of the Immersive Sound elements to the height channels. Sound effects are powerful and supported with deep .1 LFE to sub-25 Hz frequencies. In the sequence when young Adam gets sucked into the game board, the sound effect swirls around the soundfield along with Adam's voice. This sound effect extends to the height channels aggressively. As well, often dialogue effectively extends to the height channels to provide a sense of the voluminous size of the Parrish mansion. The Jumanji drums also extend aggressively to the height channels in the mansion. Not only are the mosquito and monkey segments aggressively directionalized in the surround channels but also in the height channels. In another scene, the mosquitos attack the car with Adam and the children inside punching through the roof from above. Also effective in both ear-level and overhead are the powerful rifle shots and echoes. Then there are the rhinoceroses and elephants rampaging through the mansion and on the streets of the town with powerful soundfield and overhead energy. In the scenes by the stream, rushing water sounds are effective at ear-level and extend supportively to the height channels. Thunder and rain also pound down from above to intensify the water-filled soundfield. The final action scenes have all the animals and plants flying in reverse with an intense surround and height channel energy. Throughout, the soundstage is wide and deep with aggressive directionalized surround and height. The same WOW! picture segment from 0:38 to 01:53 applies as a taste of the dynamic audio. Dialogue throughout is intelligible with good spatial integration. James Horner's wonderful orchestral score is prominent throughout with wide and deep soundstaging and strong overhead extension. This is a terrific Immersive Sound as well as an ear-level Dolby TrueHD soundtrack. Sony has broken the Immersive Sound barrier with this release, which effectively sets a new level of Immersive Sound proficiency. Exciting and well crafted. (Gary Reber)