Sausage Party is a CG-animated movie that follows Frank, a hot dog who leads a group of supermarket products on an existential journey to discover he truth about their own existence and what happens when they become “chosen” to leave the grocery store. (Gary Reber)
Special features include five featurettes The Booth (HD 09:28), The Great Beyond (HD 04:01), Seth Rogen's Animation Imaginatiorium (HD 01:05), The Pitch (HD 02:33), and Shock And Awe: How Did this Get Made? (HD 05:11); the “Good Food” Gag Reel (HD 07:29); Line-O-Rama (HD 04:57); and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 1.85:1 1080p AVC picture was CG-animated sourced and delivers generally good detail and pristine imagery in the depiction of the full range of grocery products, both packaged and unwrapped. Fine detail is especially evident in package lettering and calorie numbering on wrappers. The color palette is generally vibrant, with warm colors. Contrast is well balanced with deep blacks and shadow delineation. Overall, this is a pleasing visual experience. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is extremely gross in language. The sound is quite dynamic, with deep, extended .1 LFE bass extension to sub-25 Hz frequencies. The orchestral score is a main contributor to the dynamics, with a wide and deep soundstage that extends aggressively to the surrounds. Atmospherics and sound effects are boisterous. Foley effects are excellent. Dialogue is consistently intelligible but excessively rude. Overall, fidelity is excellent and the sonics are often aggressively dynamic. (Gary Reber)