Dark truths come to light in the intense thriller Remember. This is the suspense-filled story of Zev (Plummer), an Auschwitz survivor who discovers that the Nazi guard who murdered his family some seventy years ago is living in America under an assumed identity. With the aid of a friend (Landau), Zev sets out on a gripping journey that tests both his will and his fading memory as it brings him closer to the retribution he seeks. (Gary Reber)
Special features include commentary with Director Atom Egoyan, Producer Robert Lantos, and Writer Benjamin August, the featurettes Performances To Remember (HD 16:49) and A Tapestry Of Evil: Remember The Past (HD 13:47), trailers, upfront previews, and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 1.78:1 1080p AVC picture exhibits a really natural appearance, with a well-balanced color palette. Colors are nicely hued with warm hues and natural fleshtones. Contrast is well balanced throughout, with black levels and shadow delineation nicely defined. Resolution is excellent, with fine detail revealed throughout in facial features, hair, clothing, and object texture. This is an engaging visual experience that perfectly complements the sensitive storytelling. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is nuanced with excellent atmospherics and a beautifully orchestral score that enhances the emotional impact as the store develops. The music is spread wide and deep, with aggressive surround envelopment. Sound effects are generally subtle but effective when engaged, such as during distant explosions with deep sub-25 Hz bass. Foley is excellent, with fine nuanced sonics that are perfectly integrated. Dialogue is excellent, with good spatial integration. This is a sonically sensitive soundtrack that is emotionally engaging. (Gary Reber)