Regression is a psychological thriller that takes place in 1990 Minnesota. Detective Bruce Kenner (Hawke) investigates the case of young Angela (Watson), who accuses her father, John Gray (Dencik), of an unspeakable crime. When John unexpectedly and without recollection admits guilt, renowned psychologist Dr. Raines (Thewlis) is brought in to help him relive his memories, and what they discover unmasks a horrifying nationwide mystery. (Gary Reber)
Special features include four featurettes: Ethan Hawke—Bruce's Obsession (HD 02:04), Emma Watson—The Complexity Of Angela (HD 02:30), The Cast Of Regression (HD 02:26), and The Vision Of Regression (HD 02:43), and an UltraViolet digital copy.
The 2.39:1 1080p AVC picture exhibits a generally dark appearance, with a color palette rich in shades of black, dark blue, and gray. Highlights show brighter colors, but still this is limited, as the setting is dim due to overcast stylization. Thus, the imagery never really stands out, but resolution does not suffer. Facial detail, hair, clothes, and object textures are nicely resolved. Contrast is effectively balanced with deep blacks and variations of dark, shadowy hues, which create unsettling images, particularly in nighttime settings. While dark and overcast conditions prevail throughout, the imagery is effectively engaging and requires a darkened environment to realize its full impact. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is fully atmospheric with an aggressive holosonic® signature. Deep bass is prevalent in numerous scenes and extends to sub-25 Hz frequencies. Directionalization is used effectively to enhance dimensionality. This includes reverberation extending to the dialogue and other static voices, with heightened energy at times. This creates a sense of terror within a huge soundfield. Discrete sound effects also are numerous, which creates plenty of frightening tension and suspense. The sound of thunder and rain permeates the soundfield during storms. Ambient effects such as wiper blades, office sounds, and chatter, as well as footsteps, are nicely rendered. Dialogue is ineligible and generally well integrated spatially. The orchestral music score is powerfully dynamic and enveloping with a wide and deep soundstage and aggressive surround presence. Strong bass extension is integrated into the music with powerful effect. This is a frightfully moving, atmospheric-filled soundtrack that delivers a sound palette of terror. (Gary Reber)