Based on the Marvel Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron unfolds as Tony Stark (Downey Jr.) unwittingly creates Ultron (Spader), a terrifying A.I. monster who vows to achieve “world peace” via mass extinction. Now, Iron Man, Captain America (Evans), Thor (Hemsworth), and The Hulk (Ruffalo)––alongside Black Widow (Johansson), Hawkeye (Renner), and Nic Fury (Jackson)––must reassemble to defeat Ultron and save mankind…if they can! (Gary Reber)
Special features include commentary with Director Joss Whedon; four never-before-seen deleted and extended scenes with optional commentary by Whedon (HD 12:04); three featurettes: From The Inside Out (HD 20:54), The Infinite Six (HD 07:28), and Global Adventure (HD 03:01); a gag reel (HD 03:37; upfront previews; and a digital copy.
The 2.39:1 1080p MVC 3D Panavision® picture is a 2D to 3D conversion by Stereo D, with Brian Taber as the Stereographer, and Prime Focus World. The conversion represents the state-of-the-art. The presentation is terrifically dimensional, with superb depth and perspective. The perception of depth and volume of people and objects is excellent. The result is a window on visual realism that enhances the visual experience. The foreground and background exhibits incredible depth. Actors show realistic volume and scale throughout. At times the action jumps out of the screen, yet is never gimmicky in effect. The special effects are inventive and exciting, which enhances the visual excitement. The scene within the laboratory facility in which Ultron is created is visually intense. The focus is on dimensional realism. The color palette is impressively saturated naturally. Hues are rich and warm and at times vibrant. Fleshtones are perfectly natural. Contrast is excellent with deep, solid blacks and revealing shadow delineation, with most of the movie exhibiting very dark scenes. Not a single artifact is present. The imagery is absolutely pristine throughout. This is a reference quality picture whose added dimensionality in 3D far exceeds the otherwise-excellent 2D presentation. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 7.1-channel soundtrack is dynamic and immersive with a feeling of sonic depth. The sonics are reserved, yet at times, there are segments of intensified energy and nuanced quieter moments. Atmospherics and special effects have been creatively designed to support the picture. The quieter moments are dialogue focused, with clean and nicely spatially integrated dialogue. Deep, powerful .1 LFE bass is active throughout, especially during the high-energy conflict and fighting segments. Impressively, the sonics are effectively dimensional with the full utilization of four surrounds. The orchestral music score is dreamy in character. The music is spread wide and deep and aggressively extends to the surrounds. The added two surround channels are effectively active and energized at times with intensity. This is a well-executed sound design that delivers an impressive holosonic® soundfield, even though its sonic character is quite reserved in terms of presence and “sparkle.” (Gary Reber)