Based on the graphic novel by Dan Schaffer, The Scribbler follows Suki (Cassidy), a young woman confronting her destructive mental illness using “The Siamese Burn,” an experimental machine designed to eliminate multiple personalities. The closer Suki comes to being “cured,” she's haunted by a thought…what if the last unwanted identity turns out to be her?
Special features include the trailer and upfront previews.
The 2.35:1 1080p AVC picture is a pristine digital production with sharp and detailed imagery. Contrast delivers deep, solid blacks and revealing shadow delineation. The overall mood is a production design of dark imagery with contrasting highlights, such as flashes of light that project out of Suki when she uses the “Siamese Burn” machine and to accent lit objects. The color palette is stylized with institutionalized greens and yellows, yet fleshtones remain naturally hued. This is a stylistic picture with visually engaging imagery that perfectly sets a mood of depression and despair.
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is a moody and atmospherically driven experience that portrays Suki's struggling personalities within her. Most effective is the portrayal of voices within her head, which are aggressively directionalized and bounced from channel to channel throughout the soundfield. Atmospherics and sound effects at times are also effectively energized and directionalized with strong surround envelopment to characterize the various environments within the building Suki is confined to. Deep bass extends strongly to the lower regions and adds substantial weight to the music score and effects. Dynamic range and fidelity are quite good, and dialogue is decently integrated spatially. This is an engaging stylistic soundtrack that delivers an engaging holosonic® presence.