Planet 51 is a galactic-sized animated sci-fi adventure comedy. When Chuck the astronaut (Johnson) lands on a distant planet filled with little green people, he is surprised to discover that we are not alone in the galaxy. But he gets the shock of his life when the residents mistakenly believe that his presence is the start of an alien invasion of the human kind. Luckily, an alien teenager named Lem (Long) quickly realizes that Chuck is friendly, and the two blast off on an adventure to try and return Chuck safely to his space ship. (Gary Reber)
Special features include three extended scenes (HD 02:50), The World Of Planet 51 short film (HD 02:54), two featurettes: Life On Planet 51 (HD 12:04) and Planetarium—The Voice Stars (HD 03:13), a music video montage (HD 02:11), six animation progression reels (HD 15:53), the Target 51 game, up-front previews, BD-Live functionality, and a digital copy of the movie.
The 1080p 2.35:1 AVC animated picture is snappy and reference quality throughout, with brilliant colors and rich and warm hues. Blacks are deep and the animated shadow delineation is revealing of excellent detail. In fact, resolution is wonderful, with sharp and clear images. The picture is absolutely pristine. Colors pop off the screen, and the green aliens are a kick to behold. This was originally produced in 3D for Digital Cinema. The dimensional aspects are terrific, and with a reference display, capable of exceptional contrast. The imagery is indeed very dimensional. This is certain to be a 3-D release this year when 3-D Blu-ray Discs™ become available. You won't be disappointed with this picture, and it is sure to please the entire family. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is lively and well produced. The music score never misses an accent, to enhance the moving picture action. The music is nicely recorded, with a wide and deep soundstage that effectively engages the surround channels, for a holosonic® soundfield experience. The dialogue, while ADR, is nicely integrated spatially and is always clear and intelligible and effectively directionalized as well. Bass extension, at times, is deep and the .1 LFE, when engaged, extends to below 25 Hz. This is a terrific soundtrack presentation that perfectly enhances the fun story. (Gary Reber)