"The Unborn" is a supernatural thriller about a young Jewish woman (Yustman) plagued by chilling dreams and tortured by a demonic ghost that haunts her. Her only hope to break the debilitating paranormal curse is in an exorcism, with spiritual advisor Rabbi Sendak (Oldman). (Gary Reber)
The disc includes both the rated (87:58) and unrated (88:43) versions. Special features include six deleted scenes (HD 06:37) and BD-Live interactivity.
The Unborn is a supernatural thriller about a young Jewish woman (Yustman) plagued by chilling dreams and tortured by a demonic ghost that haunts her. Her only hope to break the debilitating paranormal curse is in an exorcism, with spiritual advisor Rabbi Sendak (Oldman). (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is terrific, with impressive low-level atmospheric sound effects and sharp high-energy transients enhanced with deep, powerful bass to below 25 Hz, especially in the .1 LFE channel. Dialogue, whether whispered, muttered, or screamed, is clear and intelligible and generally integrated spatially within each scene. The music score sounds eerie and is blended with sound effects, for a chilling effect. Sound effects are often aggressively enveloping and directionalized. Foley and ambient effects, as well as interior acoustic soundscapes, are well recorded and enhance the sense of realism. At times pans are effectively chilling. This is a well-executed holosonic® soundtrack that is sensitive to low-level sound effects, yet bursts out with chilling high-energy sound effects that heighten the suspense. (Gary Reber)