Award-winning iconoclastic filmmaker Werner Herzog's epic documentary of Antarctica, entitled Encounters At The End Of The World, reveals the mysterious continent's never-seen wonders and fascinating creatures...humans. Herzog turns his camera on a group of remarkable individuals, "professional dreamers" who work, play, and struggle to survive in a harsh landscape of mesmerizing, otherworldly beauty. (Gary Reber)
Special features include audio commentary with Director Werner Herzog, Producer Henry Kaiser, and Cinematographer Peter Zeitlinger; the following featurettes: Under The Ice (HD 35:42), Over The Ice (HD 10:30), South Pole Exorcism (SD 11:49), and Seals And Men (HD 03:30); a Dive Locker Interview: Werner Herzog talks with Rob Robbins and Henry Kaiser (HD 18:09); an interview with Herzog and Jonathan Demme (HD 67:00); and the trailer.
The 1.78:1 HDV AVC picture quality is often stunningly beautiful and always intriguing. This is a unique exploration of humans living in a seemingly uninhabitable desolate world of nature. This is a really captivating dialogue of natural imagery that is absolutely fascinating. Colors are vivid throughout. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1 soundtrack is nicely produced for a documentary, with classical choral and original music accompaniment. Director Herzog's narration is always intelligible and forward sounding, The interviews are monaural, but the natural environmental sounds are captured in stereo and surround for an effective experience. (Gary Reber)