Over the course of one evening, an unsuspecting group of teens and twenty-somethings find themselves bombarded by a series of twisted natural disasters and catastrophic events in Disaster Movie. (Gary Reber)
Special features include Bonus View™ picture-in-picture cast and crew commentary; six featurettes: Straight From The Ladies (HD 3:59), G-Thang's Tour (HD 10:18), This Is How We Do It (HD 9:05), Girl Fight (HD 1:41), Sitting Down With A Stand-Up (HD 7:48), and Who's Spoofing Who? (HD 4:21); two sing alongs: I'm F**king Matt Damon Sing Along (HD 3:59) and High School Musical Sing Along (HD 4:09); and MoLog™, which is a BD-Live™ application that allows users to insert and animate shapes, text, audio, and other graphics right into the film to create "blogs" to share with other MoLog users.
The 1080p AVC picture is colorful and bright throughout. Contrast is nicely rendered, though pushed at times, with deep blacks and excellent shadow delineation. Fleshtones are rendered naturally throughout. Resolution is generally good, with closeup details in textures and faces clearly delineated. Color fidelity is excellent, with a vibrant color pallette. Slight noise permeates throughout but is not objectionable. Overall, this is a pleasing picture. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel soundtrack is nicely recorded, with a music score that is prominent. The soundstage is wide and deep. At times, special effects are aggressively directional in the surrounds, creating an enveloping soundfield. Such effects often extend below 25 Hz, even in the surrounds. Dialogue is often ADR produced and limited to the center channel, with no spatial integration support. This is an upbeat musical soundtrack, conventionally produced with numerous dance sequences, for a mixture of sonic experiences. (Gary Reber)