In Beneath The Planet Of The Apes, astronaut Brent (Franciscus) travels ahead in time in search of missing astronaut Taylor (Heston). What he finds on the planet—in addition to the evolved apes—is a world of mutant humans who worship a nuclear warhead and practice mind control; all in the name of peace. (Gary Reber)
Special features include the From Alpha To Omega: Building A Sequel featurette (HD 22 minutes); the original theatrical trailer; The Ape News Gallery; an interactive pressbook; an advertising gallery; a lobby card gallery; a behind-the-scenes gallery; and an isolated DTS-HD Master Audio™ 5.1-channel music score.
The 2.39:1 AVC-encoded picture quality shares virtually the same good image quality as in the original Planet of The Apes. Colors are rendered naturally with good shadow delineation. Blacks are not prominent in this rendering, as was the case in the original. There is subtle noise, but it is not objectionable. Contrasts are more dynamic, rendering the imagery better realism. Resolution is very good, exhibiting fine details, but as a result, poorly executed effects and makeup are not convincing. Clearly, the resolution exposes the production elements of the set designs and lighting effects used in the filming. Fleshtones are perfectly rendered and natural throughout. Overall, this is fine-looking presentation that substantially betters all previous releases. (Gary Reber)
The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1-channel soundtrack has been repurposed from the original monaural soundtrack. As such, the electronic enhancement adds a greater dimension to experiencing this film, as does the D-BOX® Motion Code™ mastering. The mono sound elements are better applied in the stereo channels and the surrounds than in the original, and dialogue sounds less forward and more spatially natural, even dialogue ADR derived. The Leonard Rosenman symphonic orchestral score is nicely recorded, with its mono elements effectively spread to the stereo and surround channels. The sound is fuller, with deeper bass response, and overall is smooth. This is a substantial improvement over the original monaural version. (Gary Reber)