Story Synopsis:
Based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis, this life-imitating-art movie stars Robert Downey, Jr., as fun-loving Julian, who seems to have it all: good looks, charisma, and wealth. He also has a penchant for drugs. And it is this addiction that sends him and his friends (McCarthy and Gertz) into a downward and gut-wrenching spiral to a point of Less Than Zero. (Jack Kelley)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD exhibtis pleasing color fidelity, with hues that are rich and well balanced. Fleshtones appear to be accurately rendered, and blacks are deep and solid. Contrast and shadow delineation are nicely rendered. Unfortunately, the fine detail-diminishing effects of noise reduction are noticed. (For a good example, watch the detail fade in and out on James Spader
The Dolby
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