Story Synopsis:
Starring in her first of many Disney films, Hayley Mills stars as Pollyanna, an orphan with an incessantly happy heart of gold. Sent to live with her wealthy Aunt Polly Harrington (Wyman), Pollyanna immediately begins to spread sunshine throughout the stuffy old mansion. When her Aunt Polly refuses warm up to all this happiness, Pollyanna decides to transform the lives of grumpy old townsfolk. While orphan Pollyanna adjusts to a new privileged life, Harrington
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD exhibits a remarkably clean picture, with images that are nicely detailed, though a bit soft. Colors are well balanced, with accurate fleshtones and generally deep blacks. Pixelization is occasionally detected, but edge enhancement is rarely a problem. The source element is revealing of few artifacts and little film grain. The movie looks great for its age. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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