Story Synopsis:
In Rat Race, in order to entertain his wealthiest high rollers, Las Vegas casino tycoon Donald Sinclair (Cleese) pits six ordinary people against each other in a wild dash for a two million dollar prize. The motley group vying to claim the fortune includes a mother (Goldberg) and her estranged daughter; a husband and wife team (Lovitz and Najimy); a disgraced football referee (Gooding); a young lawyer (Meyer) who teams up with a helicopter pilot (Smart); a narcoleptic Italian (Atkinson); a manic medical worker (Knight); and two dim-wit brothers (Green and Vince Vieluf). As the contestants race to the grand prize, Sinclair and his wealthy friends, who have placed bets on the winner, are monitoring every racer
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD picture exhibits sharp and detailed images with pleasing contrast and shadow delineation. Colors are rich and well balanced, with accurate fleshtones and deep blacks. There is some edge enhancement and evidence of noise reduction, but overall the picture should be quite satisfying. (Suzanne Hodges)
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