Story Synopsis:
There are those who think he was a dangerous demagogue, and others who say he was one of the greatest men who ever lived. It is without question that he has affected the lives of millions all over the world. In this compelling history following the career of General Douglas MacArthur (Peck), it becomes obvious that he truly was a great man, even though his way of doing things was not always the preferred way. With ego in tow MacArthur sticks to what he believes and is victorious in the Pacific, but in 1951, while stationed in Korea, the General goes over the line and is dismissed by President Truman. After 52 years of military service, he retires with a flourish to a standing ovation. (Tricia Littrell)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD picture exhibits images that are somewhat soft, though detail can be satisfying at times. Backgrounds are often smeared and undefined. Colors appear well balanced, with nicely rendered fleshtones, and deep blacks. Shadow delineation are mediocre, with little visual information in the darker scenes. Contrast seems quite low at times, limiting detail. Of course, the picture has a dated appearance, with the source element revealing of some film grain, dirt, and artifacts. (Suzanne Hodges)
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