Story Synopsis:
Widow Annie Wilson (Blanchett) has The Gift of clairvoyancy, and she reads the fortunes of the tormented townsfolk of Brixton, Georgia. Reaching out to troubled neighbors, Annie realizes that every gift has its blessing, and soon finds herself gettying too involved in the messages of her cards. (Suzanne Hodges)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD picture exhibits image quality that is quite lovely. Colors are easy-on-the-eyes, with accurate fleshtones, well-balanced hues and deep blacks. Images are sharp and detailed, with good contrast and shadow delineation. Overall the picture is very nicely rendered, with little edge enhancement and occasionally noticed shimmering in the finer details. At times, film grain is revealed from the source element, but overall the image is solid. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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