Story Synopsis:
Based on the story by Barry Longyear, Enemy Mine is an intergalactic tale of conflict, friendship, and survival. When enemy space pilots, Davidge (Quaid), a human, Jerhiba Shigan (Gossett, Jr.), an reptilian-like alien, crash-land on a hostile planet bombarded by meteor storms and inhabited by carnivores, they must overcome their inbred hatred of one another
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD exhibits an impressive improvement over the mediocre LaserDisc reviewed in Issue 24. Images are much more solid, with improved depth and definition. Viewed alone, the DVD picture exhibits sharp and detailed images, with good contrast and shadow delineation. The sets exhibit good definition. Colors are fully saturated and nicely balanced, with accurate fleshtones and deep blacks. There is no distracting edge enhancement and minimal pixelization for a picture that should surely please throughout. A few minor artifacts are noticed on occasion. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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