Story Synopsis:
Reviving the 1932 classic horror tale with wild visual effects and a heart-pounding Jerry Goldsmith score, "The Mummy" stars Brendan Fraser as fortune-hunter Rick O
DVD Picture:
Like the previously released DVD, the anamorphically enhanced 2.30:1 DVD exhibits impressive image quality. Images are sharp and finely detailed throughout. The picture is often dark, but shadow delineation is exceptional, with a natural gradation of visual information in the darkness. Colors are rich and well balanced, with deep, pure blacks. Though the picture appears slightly hard-edged at times, and occasional edge enhancement is noticed, the darker scenes appear quite smooth. (Suzanne Hodges)
As previously reviewed, the Dolby
This Disc Contains The Following WSR-Rated Superb Qualities: Subscribe Now!
DVD-ROM Enhancements Rating:
DVD-ROM Review:
In the newest DVD release of the film The Mummy, we are given even more DVD-ROM goodies then its predecessor (reviewed in Issue 34). This version includes all of the features from before, as well as some new Features, and a Mummy Game.Links to the special features found on the DVD-Video portion of the disc can be found in the Features section. Each of the two discs has different features, so make sure to check them both out. I really enjoyed Building A Better Mummy, where you can watch a
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