Story Synopsis:
Based on the novel by former NFL player Peter Gent, North Dallas Forty reveals the wild, and often, destructive lives of football players off the field. Nick Nolte is Phillip Elliott, an aging, painkiller-popping receiver playing for the North Dallas Bulls. After seeing a coach insist that an injured player take a painkiller and go back on the field, he begins to question the entire institution of professional sports. (Laurie Sevano)
DVD Picture:
Compared to LaserDisc reviewed in Issue 32, the anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD exhibits minor improvements. Overall, the picture is slightly muddy and plugged-up, with visual information wanting in the darker scenes. The dated colors are overly dark and smeared, completely lacking clarity and definition. Fleshtones are inconsistent, and often deep orange in hue. The entire picture lacks natural openness and looks
The primary benefit of this remastered Dolby
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