Story Synopsis:
Lucky (voiced by Haas), is a spunky young colt who was born in 1914 on the Atlantic Ocean on a German freighter bound for the copper mines of Africa. Barely surviving the difficult journey, Lucky is destined for a life of hard labor and cruel treatment, but then he meets a young boy, a servant, who also must endure a harsh way of life. But together they decide to flee the heartless plantation owner and his mean horse Caesar and find themselves Running Free in the unforgiving desert.
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD exhibits beautiful cinematography that is wonderfully transferred with sharp and detailed images. Colors are slightly muted for stylization of the time period, but hues are well balanced with deep blacks. Contrast and shadow delineation are nicely rendered throughout. Some minor edge enhancement noticed on occasion, but other distractions are minimal. (Suzanne Hodges)
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