Includes audio commentary with Monte Hellman and Millie Perkins, excellent cast and crew biographies, a nice photo gallery, the theatrical trailer, and bonus trailers for two other Hellman films:
Story Synopsis:
Monte Hellman, of Two Lane Blacktop fame, this time brings us The Shooting, a cult classic western from 1966. Here we see Warren Oates as an ex-bounty hunter whose partner was killed ride off in search of the killer. He is accompanied by the incomparable Will Hutchins (who, the cast biography states, left acting to become a circus clown. Say it ain
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD has a dated appearance, but is overall pleasing with images that are generally sharp and detailed. Some scenes exhibit soft edges. Colors exhibit full saturation, though fleshtones can appear slightly orange at times. Fine film grain and source element artifacts are apparent throughout, but do not create too much of a distraction. Pixelization is evident, but edge enhancement is rarely a factor. Sometimes the picture can look really good, with nicely rendered detail and color balance. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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