Story Synopsis:
This film marked the breakthrough for both Austrian bodybuilder Schwarzenegger and director Cameron. The Terminator (Schwarzenegger), an invincible cyborg from the year 2029, is clothed in human tissue and sent back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Hamilton), a seemingly innocent woman. In the future, her unborn son, is a rebel freedom fighter for the human spirit in a world run by machines. Learning of the plot to kill his mother, Connor sends a warrior of his own in the hopes of assuring a future for mankind. (Gary Reber)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced DVD is preferred to the previously released, non-anamorphic version for slightly better definition, improved color balance, and better contrast. Viewed alone, the picture is generally sharp and detailed, with good contrast and shadow delineation. The darker scenes are revealing of more visual information, with better definition, when compared to the previous version. Colors are rich, with generally accurate fleshtones and deep blacks. The source element is revealing of some film grain, as well as flecks of dirt and artifacts throughout. (Suzanne Hodges)
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DVD-ROM Enhancements Rating:
DVD-ROM Review:
From the svelte DVD-ROM main menu, you are given three options, Play Movie, Screenplay, and Help. Assuming Play Movie and Help to be redundant, I will skip straight to the Screenplay. Just as I suspected, a simple set of words would not do for the DVD-ROM master minds behind The Terminator, instead you are given options to view three versions of the script: the Final Shooting Script, the Original Treatment script, and the 1983 Fourth Draft. Of course, each of the three is printable, but only the Final Shooting Script has the movie playing as you read. I can see why they did this, but it would have been interesting to read along noticing how much everything changed over the redrafts. Even though not much is included for us DVD-ROM users, the inclusion of three different scripts is an amazing feature which should not be missed by you film buffs. Being a writer, I was overjoyed have the opportunity to see all the changes that actually go into a script before it is ready for shooting. Saying that, I wholeheartedly suggest everyone who has the chance to check out this title, do so. (Danny Richelieu)
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