Story Synopsis:
Guys And Dolls is a true American musical classic. Based on a Damon Runyon story and originally produced as a stage play, the screen version stars Frank Sinatra as reliable Nathan Detroit who is up to his knees trying to throw the biggest crap game in town while hiding the truth from his fianc
DVD Picture:
Though not anamorphically enhanced, the 2.55:1 DVD is a nice improvement over the LaserDisc reviewed in Issue 19. Colors on the LaserDisc are smeared and unnaturally saturated with red overtones, while hues on the DVD are refined, with more naturally balanced fleshtones and deeper black levels. Images are sharper, with nicely rendered fine details. The picture is very solid for its age and is quite pleasing. There are minor artifacts apparent, but no distracting pixelization.
The Dolby
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