Story Synopsis:
Katt Williams is a comedian who sets out to be a real Hollywood player. He soon finds out that to do so he must appear in a musical penguin show described as a cross between Brokeback Mountain, March Of The Penguins, and Happy Feet. Katt decides that the Penguin scene is not for him and ditches Hollywood, setting off on a cross-country stand-up tour with some of his friends. It seems Williams knows how to do the American Hustle, when the comedy tour is well received across the nation. (Stacey Pendry)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD exhibits a soft image with generally poor resolution. Black levels and shadow delineation are adequate, and color fidelity is good. Whites can bloom, and details in the brightest portions of the image can get crushed. Fleshtones have a natural appearance and colors in general are nicely saturated and vibrant. Compression artifacts are not problematic, but the image can have a digital look with a hard edginess at times. Edge enhancement is not a problem. (Danny Richelieu)
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