Story Synopsis:
In Snow Angels Arthur (Angarano), a geeky teenager who busses tables at the local Chinese restaurant and plays trombone in the high school marching band, meets and falls for Lila (Thrilby), a new girl at his school. Arthur's love story with Lila intertwines with that of his former babysitter Annie (Beckinsale), a newly divorced waitress with a four-year-old daughter. Concurrently, the relationship between Arthur's own parents begins to crumble before his eyes. Based on the novel by Stewart O'Nan. (Stacey Pendry)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.36:1 DVD employs elevated black levels and desaturated colors in creating a cold and bare experience. Details are resolved fairly well, and contrast is nicely balanced. The color scheme is generally limited to pale hues, but fleshtones appear too pink. Minor compression artifacts are noticeable but are not a big distraction, and edge enhancement is not a problem. Shadow detail is captured and delivered well. (Danny Richelieu)
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