Story Synopsis:
Only known as Agent 47 (Olyphant), this genetically engineered assassin carries out high-profile hits for a mysterious organization known as "The Agency." When on assignment to assassinate a Russian head of state, the Hitman is caught off guard with the appearance of presidential look alikes. The high-profile hit catches the attention of Interpol and the CIA, prompting intelligence agent Mike Whittier (Scott) to attempt to reign in Agent 47. (Stacey Pendry)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.31:1 DVD has a somewhat hazy image, with elevated black levels and somewhat limited shadow delineation. Resolution is good, although there are scenes that can look overly soft. Occasional source element artifacts can be recognized from time to time and while grain is noticeable throughout, it is very noticeable in darker scenes. Contrast can be somewhat too hot. The image often looks artificially digitized, and edge enhancement is noticeable on the higher contrast transitions. (Danny Richelieu)
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