Story Synopsis:
In the animated and Enchanted land of Andalasia, a beautiful and perky maiden, Giselle (Adams), captures the heart of her dashing prince charming, Edward (Marsden). In a desperate bid to keep the young couple apart, preserving her power, Prince Edward's step-mother, Queen Narissa (Sarandon), casts a spell that transports the lovely Giselle from her whimsical homeland to the worst place Narissa can imagine, New York City. Giselle, now a flesh-and-blood mortal, is rescued by a divorce attorney named Robert (Dempsey), who suspects she may be mentally deranged. The eternally optimistic princess is challenged in ways she could never have imagined and begins to wonder if she wants her "happily ever after" existence in Andalasia, after all. (Stacey Pendry)
DVD Picture:
Even though the anamorphically enhanced 2.34:1 DVD begins as a window-boxed frame of an animated feature, don
(Danny Richelieu) The Dolby
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